
Monday, March 25, 2013

Curlformers! - A Review

Curlformers? What are these?

I stumbled upon these thing-a-ma-bobs at Sally's Beauty Supply. At first, I was confused of what these things were used for and thought they were molds for perming hair. I went home to research about them to find that these are types of hair curlers that require no heat to curl hair!

Personally, I take forever... close to 2 hours and a can of hairspray... to curl my hair with a curling iron. This is due to my mom's "No curling your hair until after you're married!" rule. Yes.... so sad that I haven't picked up a curling iron until after senior year of high school. Anyway, because of my "late blooming", I wasn't as skilled in curling my own hair like other girls out there. In fact, I'm still learning :'(

Enough of my rough, ugly duckling childhood. In reality, I don't have time to curl my hair even if I was a pro at using the curling iron. So, I went on a search to find an easier way to curl my hair. I tried EVERYTHING from foam curlers, heated curlers, velcro curlers, and even perming my hair (worst 3 years of middle school). I was desperate to find an easier, leave-on-hair-while-I-do-other-things form of curling my hair.

First of all, Curlformers changed my life (TV ad cliche, I know, but so true!). I got the curls I wanted without burning myself with the hot iron. Another plus, I didn't use any heat protecting serums or hairsprays to keep my curls from being damaged or wilting away. I only needed a light spray after styling which is great because my hair stays soft and shiny without the CRUNCH!

I bought my set at Sally's for about $40 which is a bit pricey! However, I returned that set because I found a better deal on Amazon for almost half the price, which I have added a link below. I have the 26 piece Extra Long set that comes with 26 Curlformers (Pink for curling inward and Orange for curling outward) and 1 light blue application stick to help put the lock of hair into the Curlformers.

(NOTE: These curlers come in various sizes! I have seen short curlers for shorter hair, extra wide for bigger curls, and extra thin for making really tight curls. You can choose which curler best suits you for the curls you are going for.)

This is a photo of my hair before applying the Curlformers. My hair is pretty long and end below by shoulder blades, so I ordered the Extra Long size which fit lengths even longer than my hair.

 This is after applying the Curlformers. It is really simple to do:
First, open one end of the Curlformer and slide the blue applicator stick inside until the claw is exposed on the other end. Next, dampen your hair with a squirt bottle. You can also do this after a shower to towel dried, but still damp hair. The best is towel dried hair after a shower at night. You can sleep with these curlers on and it won't be as bothersome. To apply the curlers, twist the hair at the roots tightly and attach the claw near the roots. Pull the claw with the hair in place through the Curlformer and your hair will mold to the spiral curls that the curlers make. Then, we play the waiting game until the hair is completely dried. At this time, you can do whatever you want. You can put on your makeup and your outfit for the day/night. You can run errands, clean the house, finish up some work, or lounge around the house until it's time to get ready. Note: The longer you keep the curlers on, the better and longer lasting the curls will be. You wont even need hairspray!

These are the curls after completely drying and removing the Curlformers. As you can see, they mimic the curls of a heated curling iron compared to the curls from hair rollers. Once all the Curformers are off, you will notice that you have exactly 26 curls on your head which you can leave, but will look a bit odd. My suggestion is to take each curl and divide it into three smaller sections. Doing so will give you more volume and body to your curls. After dividing your curls, you can style it to your hearts desire, add a touch of hairspray, and that's it!!!

 This is after styling the curls and pinning some of the front curls to the side with a few bobby pins. I did not apply any hairspray because I liked the tightness of the curls already. These curls lasted me from 3pm in the afternoon to 1am in the morning for a total of 10 hours! AMAZING!!!!!!

I highly recommend these Curlformers for women who have no time to sit and curl hair for hours. It is great for wearing while getting ready or doing errand to make time more efficient and productive. I have not regretted purchasing this product because I can do so many things with the 2 hours I used to take curling my hair. Now, I can do my makeup, paint my nails, clean up afterwards, put on my outfit and accessorize, and have some extra time to feed my cat and clean up my room while curling my hair :)

I hope you all enjoyed reading and try this product out!
Good luck!

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