
Saturday, September 22, 2012

C25K Workout App Review

Here is a great app that can help you build your cardio strength through interval training. I have been using this app since the first day of August and it has made wonders for training myself to run. I have completed 5 weeks and I have improved my running distance as well as my stamina. 

The sole purpose of this app is to help you train for a marathon. The free version will help you train for running a 5K distance. However, there are other versions of this app that will train you for longer distance, for a price of course. If you are just starting out, like me, you are fine getting the 5K FREE version and working your way up to further distance. 

The workout routine goes as follows: a five minute warm up walk and intervals of jogging and walking. As you start off, the app will take into consideration that you are just starting and will ask you to run for a minute and walk for two minutes. Continuing the workout training, your running time will increase and your walking time will decrease. Basically, it will train you to run further distances as well as improving your stamina. 

The workouts are divided into weeks with a recommended three days a week routine. For example, the first week, you will run for a minute alternating with two minute walks for three days. Then, the second week will have you run for 90 seconds and walk for 90 seconds. The app will basically tell you what to do so it is recommended that you run at a quiet environment or wear headphones. The good thing about  this app is that it lets you listen to your music while you run and will still give out commands to direct you in your workout. 

Through experience with this app, I am very satisfied with the results this app has given me. It is a great way to become more active and lose weight. With app, I have lost a good amount of weight (10 pounds!) I am continuing this app to train for the Turkey Trot 2012 in San Jose. Since school has started, I haven't been using the app, but I am still determined to continue to keep my cardio up.

To see results, you have to be committed to doing the workouts. It doesn't have to be daily! The app only has three days per week. So, it is up to you to decide when to run. I am very confident that this app can help you build your cardio. Hopefully, when I finish the app, I'll be able to continue training through the other versions. This specific app is available on your iPhone for Free! If you have any questions, feel free to leave me a comment and I will answer them for you :)

 Stay Beautiful!
- arlynangel

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