When it comes to makeup application, I believe that every girl needs a really good set of brushes made specifically for the face. Our face is our canvas and before we begin applying makeup, we need a good foundation. I've been looking for brushes that would apply a streak free liquid foundation application. Before learning of Sigma's Kabuki Kit, I've been relying on e.l.f.'s Flat Top Powder Brush to apply my foundation. I liked the dense bristles and to me, it helped buff and even out the foundation. The only problem about e.l.f.'s brush is that it did not last very long. After every wash, I felt that the bristles began to loose the shape as well as it's strength. I did not want to spend $3 every month just to replace one brush. So I did some research and found Sigma's Synthetic Kabuki Kit.
This collection of brushes are made with Sigma's Sigmax Fibers which are synthetic brushes that provide an "airbrush" application due to the densely packed bristles that mimic the softness and resilience of a kabuki brush. The Kabuki Kit is definitely my favorite collection because it has all the face brushes you need. Also, because these brushes are densely packed, it does a really good job in applying face makeup as well as giving an even coverage. The brushes are not too big or too small making it the perfect size to reach all the curves and contours of the face.
I got this 4 brush set at $62, but there is also another set that comes with 5 brushes for $76. It is definitely a big purchase, but it is very affordable compared to mac brushes. Also, because these brushes are of high quality, they will certainly last a long time. By how these brushes withstand washes and everyday use, it will definitely save me a lot of money. Below is my review on each individual brush.
In this kit, it comes with 5 different types of brushes:
- F80 Flat Kabuki: Of the four brushes, this is my favorite. I use this brush specifically for liquid foundation. It does a great job in applying an even layer of liquid foundation as well as buffing without the appearance of streaks.
Cleaning: Washing this brush is not fun! I don't know if it is because of the foundation I use, but I noticed this brush was difficult in getting the foundation out of the white tips. For recommendation, you should wash it once and let it sit bristle side down to allow the foundation to seep to the ends. After 15 mins, go back and rewash the brush. By the time you do the second washing, the foundation has seeped to the ends of the bristles and washing will be much easier.
- F82 Round Kabuki: I find this brush very similar to the flat top because I can use this for liquid foundation and it would work just as well. However, I like to give my brushes a specific job when it comes to my makeup routine so I wont have to use the same brushes for different makeup mediums. So for this brush, I like to use it for mineral or loose powders. It does a really good job applying powders onto your face. I like to think of this as a more precise kabuki brush without the fullness of a regular kabuki.
Cleaning: When cleaning this brush, I found it much easier that the F80, probably because I used loose powder. Overall, I did not have any problems getting the product or soap out.
- F84 Angled Kabuki: This brush is great for contouring, applying bronzer or blush. It nicely fits on the hollows of your cheeks making it so much easier to apply the contour or bronzer. I like to use powder blush and bronzer, but this brush will also do great with cream based bronzers and blushes as well.
Cleaning: This brush was the easiest to clean. I had no problem washing off the products. There was no hassle and it took the least amount of time to wash.
- F86 Tapered Kabuki: I use this brush for applying highlighter to my cheeks, nose bridge, chin, and forehead. Also, I like to use this brush for applying concealer under my eyes and on the edges of my nose. The fact that this brush is tapered really helps contour itself to the crevices of my nose and really gets down to the hard to reach edges that my fingers cannot reach. This brush has enough tension almost similar to my ring finger that it mimics it really well when applying under eye concealer.
Cleaning: Like the flat top kabuki, this is also very difficult to clean, not because of the product being hard to remove, but because of removing the soap! I thought this brush was easy to clean at first, but after wiping it on the towel to remove excess water, I notice that the brush began to lather. What...? I had to run the brush under clean water for another 10 mins to get all the soap out. Also, just by wringing out the excess water, I knew this brush would take the longest to dry.
You can get the brushes here:
Sigma's Synthetic Kabuki Kit
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